WIP! List of videogames where you can play as nonhuman things.

Entire list A-Z.

List curated by Gideon Drakncretchr.

Criteria is highly arbitrary. I have not included elves, dwarves, orcs, etc. I also haven't included highly anthropomorphic animals (ex: Sonic the Hedgehog, Night In the Woods) or "mascot" sorts (ex: Mickey Mouse). Generic "[Animal] Sim" games are also excluded.
Leaning towards more unique and obscure, though I'll probably add well known things either because they're so well known I believe it's possible they'd be overlooked or because their absence would be jarring. Also trying to lean towards games where you control the creature and not just interact, and not rolling a ball with a creature inside.

Similar list with different criteria here: [tba], made by [name]

I'm not going to organize my list at the moment because it would never get remotely completed.